by Andrea Sardone
The College of William & Mary's Mason School of Business in partnership with the Muscarelle Museum of Art hosts Bernard, Shirley and Khalil Kinsey at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 24 in the James W. and Dana Brenner Brinkley Commons Room, located in Alan B. Miller Hall.
The Kinseys are known for their collection of African-American Art, books and manuscripts that document and tell the remarkable story of African American triumphs and struggles from 1600 to present. The Kinsey Collection: “Shared Treasures of Bernard and Shirley Kinsey - Where Art and History Intersect “ has been on national tour to seven cites and is currently on display at the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution until May, 2011. For more information, visit www.thekinseycollection.com.
Bernard Kinsey had a 20-year career with the Xerox Corporation and was an early pioneer in generating corporate support for a program for bringing African Americans and other minorities into the company and training them for jobs with opportunities for advancement. Having managed Xerox’s largest sales and marketing division, Kinsey held the top status in every sales and marketing position from 1968 through 1984. Under his leadership of the Xerox Black Employees Association, Xerox significantly increased the diversity of its workplace.
Kinsey has also been recognized for his efforts in rebuilding Los Angeles. As Co-Chairman of ReBuild Los Angeles, Bernard Kinsey was responsible for generating more than $380 million dollars in investments from the private sector for the inner-city of Los Angeles. He helped to bring over 33 grocery stores, pharmacies, hardware stores and other retail outlets, over 20 training programs, and loan funds into the heart of the inner-city community.
The Kinseys have raised over $22 million for charitable and educational organizations.